Meet The Blogger – Enakshi J

Meet The Blogger - Enakshi J

In our latest interview series which I like to call “Meet the Blogger”, where I spotlight inspiring creatives on this Blogger Magazine. We caught up with Enakshi J who runs aliveshadow blog.

Grit and Courage- It Takes Two to Tango

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your Blog?

I am an educator, an author and a traveller. I love to learn. My writings have appeared in The Speaking Tree (Times of India), Woman’s Era, Alive, Infitithoughts, SivanaSpirit, Women’s Web, EfictionIndia and Induswomanwriting. I am an eminent book reviewer and review books by Penguin, Rupa and Hachette India. My stories and poems have been anthologized widely. I am a bit of a card, for my unusual sense of humour and forthright nature often makes me the center of attention! I have conceptualized two books- ‘Unbounded Trajectories’ and ‘Poison Ivy’.

2. Describe what inspired you to start your blog?

My blog is called Lavender Orchids. Lavender Orchids are symbolic of elegance, grace and feminine beauty. I have always found it more difficult to express myself verbally. Luckily, writing seemed to come to my rescue very often and hence, this blog. It is a confluence of travel, books and personal opinions and accolades. Through this blog, I ensure that my voice no longer remains a voice in the wilderness but is enough to bring about a change.

3. How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?

I breathe new words and idioms. This love for language is what keeps me going. At no other platform will I ever get a chance to be myself and experiment with what I have learnt. Blogging comes naturally to me. I don’t find time for blogging. I find time to do other things (including my job).

4. How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?

I post 3-4 articles on a weekly basis. There are times when I am preoccupied with other things at hand but that doesn’t deter me from keeping my blog up-to-date. I communicate with my followers as and when they reach out to me or if I need their suggestions.

5. What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?

Content. Content is the key. In the present world, where everything is going digital, one can contribute in making the world better by contributing good quality content.

6. Would you encourage other people to make their blog?

Of course. Everyone has a story and it should be heard. Each story, each view point should be valued. Learning and unlearning is a part and parcel of nature.

7. A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?

It is not easy. Just like any other job, this too, involves blood, sweat and tears. You will have to burn the midnight oil and write incessantly. Even when ideas stop entering your mind, you will have to get over the writer’s block and write. It becomes tough at times. But tough is what makes you stronger.

8. What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?

Getting followers and readership are the most difficult problems I had to go through. Since I do not believe in unnecessarily forcing people to click or like, I am always on a losing end when it comes to followers and likes.

9. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

I am known for my unbiased opinions and my strong hold on the language. People respect me for my work ethics and professionalism.

10. Who Is Your Blogging Hero And Why?

I do not have a blogging hero/ heroine. I started my journey on my own and I owe it all to my family and friends who have stood by me and watched me grow.

11. What Advice Would You Give To A New Blogger Starting Out?

Fancy writing garners praises- this is a myth. If you write from your heart, your point of view will be appreciated by everyone. Secondly, grammar plays an important role in conveying your message. Poor language skills are like a bad apple that spoils the whole bushel.

12. Have you collaborate with brands? If yes, name few brands you worked with

I have collaborated with Reach out and Read, Infidigit, Flipkart and GIRF

13. Finally, what are your thoughts about BloggerMagazine?

It is a good initiative to bring forth the bloggers and introduce their content to new readers.

Follow Enakshi J on her journey at: | Instagram- @enakshijohri12 |

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