Meet The Blogger – Hemant Agarwal

Meet The Blogger - Hemant Agarwal

In our latest interview series which I like to call “Meet the Blogger”, where I spotlight inspiring creatives on this Blogger Magazine. We caught up with Hemant Agarwal who runs Infokoala.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your Blog?

I am Hemant Agarwal, Co-founder Infokoala. I hail from Rishra- a suburb in the City of Joy, Kolkata. I am a final year undergraduate student in Business at St.Xavier’s College Kolkata. I am also a CFA level 3 Candidate in the CFA program. My blog- Infokoala is a Finance-business based Analytical blog. Infokoala has been co-founded by 4 of my like-minded friends. We dissect complex business/financial events and make it extremely easier for a layman to understand the crux of it

2. Describe what inspired you to start your blog?

An idea of starting a blog has always been on my mind since the inception of my college life i.e 3 years ago. I love to read books and write on random stuff. Previously i used to give reviews on non fiction books which i used to post them on my social media page (one can still find them on my Insta handle). Then i did a couple of content writing internships which introduced to the world of blogging and the art of writing. After a while I thought why shouldnt i write for myself instead of writing for others. Things began to fall in place. My co-founders joined in and finally we started this journey.

3. How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?

I guess the secret to motivate yourself to keep it running is to surround yourself with a great team. At Infokoala, the highly motivated core team pushes each other to the limit. I think self belief and patience is the key as results don’t show up overnight.

4. How active are you on a weekly basis? How often do you communicate with your followers?

We post an article daily and we are planning to increase the frequency soon. We communicate not just with our followers but all the stakeholders on a daily basis gaining feedback on the areas where we can improve upon

5. What do you think is the best social media strategy for getting more visitors to a blog?

Social Media Strategy varies from one blog to another depending on the niche one operates in. For us, LinkedIn works much better than Instagram. I think giveaways are a good easy way to gain some traction. Push notifications are a good way to build a loyal base of readers

6. Would you encourage other people to make their blog?

I would encourage people to start with their own blog only if they can commit at least 6-8 months to it and are consistent with it. Otherwise I would say it’s just a waste of time.

7. A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have some tips for those people who are interested in making money from the blog?

Well I wouldn’t say easy. It requires a lot of time and effort. It requires the same amount of time as a 9 to 5 job. The only advantage you get is the flexibility off time. Tips- Do you Keyword Research and provide high quality content which isn’t available anywhere else.

8. What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?

The most challenging moment in my blogging journey is to juggle things as this is still not a full time thing. Since the inception of Infokoala we have set the standards pretty high with a minimum of 1 article per day.

9. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

Outside of Blogging, I have been a part of couple of international forums where I got to meet the best minds out there. I am not going to forget those experiences anytime soon.

10. Who Is Your Blogging Hero And Why?

Two people who come out of mind are- Gary Vee and Tim Ferriss. What’s not to love about them? The way they engage with the audience- Absolutely love it. The content is hard hitting.

11. What Advice Would You Give To A New Blogger Starting Out?

Patience is the key. Hang in there and Be consistent. Don’t do it for the sake of it. Enjoy the process.

12. Have you collaborate with brands? If yes, name few brands you worked with

Nope. We are in talks with a couple of brands right now.

13. Finally, what are your thoughts about BloggerMagazine?

Blogger Magazine is a great platform which brings together all the best bloggers together where we can share the blogging secrets with each other.

Follow Hemant Agarwal on his journey at: | |

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